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MAKE AN APPPOINTMENT +61 408 145 623

Capture the memories before they fade.

We understand that many people would like to document their own or their loved one’s story, but it is hard to find the time. Our skilled interviewers make this easy, setting regular interview times to document the past before the opportunity is lost.

We will make your history come alive with your voice, your photos and your memories. We will guide your recollections chronologically.

Your history will contain up to 90,000 of your words, in your voice, with your manner of speech, your laugh.

Make an appointment.

If you would like to record your or a family member’s story for posterity, contact Marie Nunan on mobile + 61 (0) 408 145 623 or complete our enquiry form.

Our Happy Clients.

My sisters and I both laugh and cry when we re-read our darling mother’s life story that you prepared from your recordings of Mum, Marie. The manuscript becomes more and more precious to us.


At first when my family proposed it, I wasn’t too keen on the idea. But I soon found it easy, comfortable and most of all very enjoyable. Recording the story of my life has brought me great contentment, despite my failures and failings.


I have been professionally interviewed many times, but never as well as by Marie. I enjoyed the process and am delighted at the outcome.

Bonnie Boezeman AO

Overall it has been a very rewarding experience…Your genuine interest in people and the ability to establish a close rapport with them would have to be one of your great strengths.


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