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Everyone’s life journey has adventures, challenges, sadness & triumphs.

From generation to generation family stories are told but rarely documented, fading as the years go by. At Gift of a Lifetime we ensure these memories never fade. We document your life story for you to tell your grandchildren and their descendants who they are and where they come from.

We provide you with a range of package options including digital recordings of your interviews, to more comprehensive options such as written transcripts and handcrafted books.

We collaborate with you to create your life story, so people remain known and stories remain told.

> Read more about our Oral history Services.


Marie Nunan
Director & Founder

Marie has a degree in history and has over a decade’s experience in producing personal and business histories in Australia and internationally. In 2015, she gave a presentation at The Oral History Society, UK in conjunction with London University and the British Library.  She has recently been commissioned to complete the oral history of Barwon Health, one of the largest corporations in Victoria.

Her warm personality and her skills as an interviewer put participants at ease during the story collection process, unearthing anecdotes and information that enrich your company history.

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